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VG MPFM Truck-mounted Multiphase Flow Meter (Full Package)
Throughout the lifetime of petroleum-producing wells, well testing is conducted. Systematic production testing of a producing well under varying flow conditions is significant to obtain reservoir production information. This leads to quick decision-making to optimize production, recognize and eliminate challenges of production, and certify maximum production. PETROYATECH also offers a truck-mounted option which includes a skid-mounted VG MPFM in the desired size, hydrotest unit system, piping assembly, and bypass manifold. For a field containing hundreds of widely spreading producing wells, Truck-mounted Multiphase flow rates Testing Services are proposed plus crews and equipment to cover all the production wells of a field. This solves the problem of a shortage of operators while guaranteeing precise, repeatable, and timely results. With this configuration, full packed surface well testing could be performed and it benefits operational cost and time. With this service, variations in good behavior can be understood directly and used to make an optimal decision.
- personnel and Equipment can be rapidly prepared to collect data, even in remote locations.
- customers purchase data, as a replacement for purchasing equipment, and the process to acquire well data is highly simplified;
- Data Quality efficiency is guaranteed by the expert technical operators and compliant with the vendor’s Data Quality Control.
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